View Alerts Online   •   CSW Alert #84   •    Friday, October 27, 2017

The State of the Movement

Tri-Fold Flyers Re-Ordered for the 2nd Time, 3rd Batch of 3,000

The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.
    — Albert Einstein


Note: There was no film night for October. Catch us in November

The State of the Organization

CSW recently re-ordered 3,000 more of our tri-fold flyers. The first batch of 3,000 took over two years to give out. The second batch about a year and a half. We hope this third batch goes like proverbial hotcakes.

We need financial help paying for these flyers. They are not cheap, at almost $500 when you buy 3,000, which drops the per unit price very low (to make them individually affordable). Prices have gone up, so they now cost about $0.16 per flyer. Which is a pretty good price considering the quality. We will give them away for free, but if people would even donate a quarter, it would cover the cost.

Please consider donating toward the payment for these flyers.

Or, purchase bundles of them from our online "store". (we receive a small amount over the cost)

If you order bundles of 150 or more, we will deliver them to your doorstep, to save S&H. Or purchase them at our table at the weekly Farmers' Market in downtown Chico. Donations also appreciated.

Handing out flyers is one of the easiest and most productive ways to spread the word, inform people, and make them aware.

We often receive high praise for how good the flyers are, how comprehensive the information is, and how nice they look. We also often hear that our flyer is "the best info item" people have seen around anywhere. We have had a few orders for our flyer bundles. Mostly from out-of-state and out-of-town.

We also re-designed the flyer so other groups can easily brand them with a stamp at the top showing their own message or website address. And we have a standing offer to help people print their own flyers based on our flyer. One group has taken us up on that offer. (the green "Group-" text at the top of the example image)

•• What We Are Doing, and Have Accomplished

Chico Sky Watch is celebrating 7 years of successful & effective grassroots activism. Recent outreach activity includes connecting with the Chico branch of the California Guild (Grange split-off), including the state convention in October, where they voted to lobby for aluminum tests of air, water, and soil. The Guild also helped nudge the state to put glyphosate on the Prop 61 carcinogenic list. We are also supportive of other local groups, such as BEC, Chico Peace & Justice, and League of Women Voters. Meetings with local government officials and environmental regulatory agencies are ongoing. Did you see our advertisement in the October 12 CN&R Best of Chico newspaper, page 46?

These are just a few of the things we work on every year, all year long, to help spread the word and accomplish our mutual goals.
    • Daily KZFR Underwriting Spot
    • Quarterly Lotus Guide Advertisement
    • Weekly Tabling at the Saturday Farmers' Market
    • Monthly Movie Nights and Meetings
    • Ongoing Petition Sent to Our Elected Leaders (over 800 signatures)
    • Tri-Fold Flyer and Other Informational Materials
    • Certified Water Testing
    • Rallies, Faires, & Other Events
    • And More....

We couldn't do any of these things without your support. So a huge thank you to everyone who donates time and money. Alone we can accomplish something; together, anything is possible.

Donations are an on-going concern. Please go to the website to donate toward our expenses. Thank you.



If you haven't joined and are not visiting our Facebook pages, and/or if you are not on our e-mail list, you are missing out.
Group page:
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View Printable Alert — An Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group

Chico Sky Watch is a Grassroots, Not-for-profit Aerosol Spraying & GeoEngineering Awareness and Action Group.
Chico Sky Watch is combating the SSAGtrail / GAStrail ("Chemtrail") attack on the citizens of Chico and the world. You are being sprayed with aluminum (nano-) particles and other toxic metals and chemicals, as well as possible biological agents.
Look to the skies for the obvious evidence.
What you see in our once-blue skies are NOT jet "contrails". (or so-called "persistent contrails")
Join us in our fight!

Learn more about us.
Contact us if you have questions or comments.

Please forward and distribute widely!   Thank you.

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